Bisherige Lehre
- Scientific Project: Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Master (WS 2022-2023)
- Seminar: Ethische, rechtliche und ökonomische Aspekte Künstlicher Intelligenz, Bachelor (WS 2022-2023)
- Vorlesung: Introduction to the Business Ethics, Economics and Law of Artificial Intelligence and Digitalisation (SS 2022)
- Seminar: Ethische, rechtliche und ökonomische Aspekte Künstlicher Intelligenz, Bachelor (WS 2021-2022)
- Tutorial: Bargaining, Arbitration and Mediation, Master (SS 2021).
- Tutorial: Game Theoretic Analysis of the Law, Bachelor (SS 2021).
- Tutorial: Principles of Management, Bachelor (WS 2020-2021).
- Seminar: An Economic Analysis of Capital Market Laws, Master (WS 2020-2021).